Four Reasons Why Google Wants us to Stop Using AI:

Are you an AI user who has been using AI tools to write content for Google search engines? Well, here’s some bad news for you: According to its March 2024 update, Google is now going to take down sites that have “automation” in bulk.

Google has always been a fan of creativity and personalized content. In the past, Google did allow the use of AI (of course, with human assistance) to some extent.

However, its recent update mentioned that Google is about to start its crackdown against the sites that have published AI content in bulk and are manipulating the search engine ranking.

Now the question arises, “Why does Google want us to stop using AI?”. To find the answer, you have to go through this article based on four reasons why Google penalizes AI content.

Four reasons why Google wants us to stop using AI

AI can create spam content in Bulk.

Ai can produce a huge number of articles in one day, which is impossible for a human being. Spamming the search engines with content in bulk is never supported by Google (even if humans do it).

If any website produces AI content and tries to manipulate Google rankings, it will go against Google’s guidelines. There are some pages produced with the sole purpose of getting ranking with its large amount of unhelpful content that provides little to no value.

When published on Google, this unlimited content will spam the search engines. Google does not want that, as it always supports original content to rank its search engines.


AI reviews are not authentic.

Google is full of reviews about different products and services. If you have to write a review, google will love it if you write it from your own point of view instead of asking Ai for help.

AI tools are obviously not humans and have not used the specific product; hence, they can not generate an accurate review. Google would like to have “real” reviews based on first-hand user experience that can help the reader decide if they want to buy the product or not.

Unlike a human-written review, AI reviews will not be able to give feedback that can help potential buyers gain insights about the user experience of that product or service.

Human-written content adds value.

This in no sense means that Ai doesn’t create great content. However, AI doesn’t act like human intelligence. Humans have feelings and raw experiences of this world. They can come up with entirely different ideas, which Ai can not.

For example, ChatGPT can only create an article based on the information that can be found on the Internet and YouTube.

Humans, however, can add new facts to the already present information on the Internet as they are living in this world and are experiencing new things every day.

Therefore, Google will not allow content written in a robotic manner without any creativity or new ideas, as Google always advocates adding value to the already published content.

AI Writing tools are not 100% accurate:

Although AI can be trusted with a lot of information that we get from it, Ai doesn’t claim to be 100% accurate as its information is based on the content available on the web.

We know that not everything we see on the web is true; therefore, AI can also quote incorrect information based on its web information scrapping.

To prove this point, a team of physicians across the globe asked 284 medicine-related questions using the AI tool ChatGPT. The results were alarming, as ChatGpt showed an accuracy rate of 92%.

AI messing up with sensitive medical information is serious, and due to this tendency to provide inaccurate facts, google wants us to avoid using AI.

Final thoughts:

To summarize, Google doesn’t hate AI, but it advises us to avoid using it to get accurate information. At the end of the day, it can never replace humans but can be used as an assistant to human content creation.


  • Will google entirely wipe out AI content?

No, according to its March update, google will take down a website with AI content in bulk.

  • Is Google totally against the use of AI?

No, Google allows the use of AI, but only as an assistant, not as an authority.

  • Can google detect AI content?

Yes, Google can determine AI writing patterns and can also see AI signals to detect AI usage.

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